BOL niveau 3 & 4 / 2-3 jaar

Business Administration & Control

Numbers are abracadabra for many people, but not for you! In fact, you were made for this. As a business Administration & Control specialist, you will learn all the ins and outs of a company's accounting and financial administration. In addition, we also teach you how to deal with automation and digitization. You gain insight into accounting and tax regulations and thus keep an overview of the entire administration. Will you be the professional who can provide financial advice to departments?
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Do you like to have your affairs in order?

You will learn everything about keeping perfect financial records, making reports and checking and approving invoices. You will work with balance sheets, ledgers and budgets. A good Business Administration & Control specialist has an eye for detail, works accurately and is independent. We also work on your social and communication skills, which you need to be able to work well together.

Information about the training

Do you want to work or continue your education after your training?

After your training, you will start working in the financial department within a company. You are involved in the administration of the organization. There is a lot involved, because every company has a different financial administration. For example, you ensure proper processing of incoming and outgoing invoices. In addition, you will be involved in tax-related matters, such as income tax and payroll tax. You calculate exactly how much needs to be paid and make sure this happens. You are able to work both independently and in a team and keep the administration of the company in order.

Structure of the training

During the training, you will learn all about

  • checking and collecting invoices.
  • Dealing with automated financial systems.
  • advising on figures within a company.
  • Presenting financial reports.
  • Everything you need to know about business economics such as depreciation, budgeting, annual reporting, forms of financing and cost price calculations.
  • Tax and property law and the tax consequences of entries

As a student at MBO Westland, we will put you in touch with the business world as soon as possible. This brings knowledge, experience and your professional attitude together directly. In our opinion, this will make you the very best! Apart from that, you will also do an internship. You do this at a recognized training company. You are responsible for finding an internship company.


Hoe je bij ons leert

  • Onze opleidingen worden aangeboden in modules van tien weken. In iedere module doe je brede kennis en ervaring op en pas je direct toe in de praktijk.
  • Je hebt veel ruimte en flexibiliteit om zelf je opleiding te creëren door bijvoorbeeld extra modules te volgen of te versnellen.
  • Je leert in hybride vorm: zelfstandig, in groepsverband, online, in de klas en bij een bedrijf.
  • Veel persoonlijke begeleiding.


Creëer zelf de opleiding die bij je past
Onze opleidingen bestaan uit een basisdeel, een profieldeel en een aantal keuzedelen. Met keuzedelen kun je je opleiding verbreden of verdiepen. Je kunt zelfs modules volgen van andere economische opleidingen die je aanspreken. Of je kunt versnellen. Heb je bijvoorbeeld door werkervaring al bepaalde, benodigde vaardigheden opgedaan? Dan bekijken we samen wat dat betekent voor jouw leerroute. Jij bent bij ons baas over je eigen leerproces!


Leren doe je niet alleen in de klas
Het leuke van iets nieuws leren is niet alleen dat jij als persoon groeit. Als je bij ons studeert, stimuleren we je op alle mogelijke manieren om de beste te worden. Hoe je bij ons leert varieert: uiteraard leer je in de klas en vanuit leerwerkplaatsen. Ook leer je vanuit huis (digitaal) waar je zelfstandig of in groepsverband werkt aan opdrachten.


Persoonlijke begeleiding
Tijdens de opleiding is er veel aandacht voor persoonlijke begeleiding. Dit gebeurt onder andere door gesprekken met studieloopbaanbegeleiders. Maar ook kun je sparren met docenten of met medestudenten. Door goede begeleiding krijg jij de kans om het maximale uit je opleiding te halen. Ook is er ruimte voor het oplossen van problemen waar je tegenaan loopt. We staan voor je klaar!

Admission Requirements / Required Prior Education

You can start a middle management course (level 4) if you have one of the following prerequisites:

  • Diploma VMBO framework vocational pathway, mixed learning pathway, theoretical learning pathway or equivalent;
  • MBO level 2 diploma (basic vocational training);
  • MBO level 3 diploma (vocational training);
  • Certificate of transition from 3 havo / vwo to year 4;
  • other diploma or evidence recognised by the government on the basis of a ministerial regulation.



You keep your wits about you and are service-oriented, even in a chaotic situation. You like to take care of the administration of a company. As a Business Administration & Control specialist, you put your affairs in order! In this profession, the following skills and traits are important:

  • Interest in bookkeeping.
  • You like to work with numbers.
  • You enjoy collecting and processing data.
  • You like to work systematically and accurately.
  • You like to work with tables and graphs.
  • You are responsible.
  • You are customer-oriented.
  • You’re patient.

How much does the training cost?

The cost of the training depends on your age. Every year, the Minister of Education adjusts the tuition fees. The amounts below apply to the 2023/2024 academic year.


Costs BOL under the age of 18
Are you younger than 18 at the beginning of the academic year (1 August)? Then you don’t pay tuition.


Costs BOL older than 18 years
Are you 18 years or older at the beginning of the academic year (1 August)? Then the tuition fee is € 1357,-.

Are you 18+ or will you be 18 soon? Then you can get a student grant, a student travel product and perhaps a supplementary grant.

More information about the tuition fee can be found on

Other mandatory costs
For the first year of your studies, you will pay approximately between €400 and €530 for books and licenses. You will also take a number of electives within the programme. The costs for the teaching materials of the electives vary from 0 euros to 75 euros per elective.