portret meisje met krullen

BOL level 3 / 2 years

Commercial employee

Convincing a customer, working under pressure and meeting sales targets: that's not something you shy away from. As a commercial employee, you have a natural talent for dealing well with people and selling products or services. Do you want to make the most of your sales talent? Then follow the Commercial Employee training.
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Klanten werven, binden en boeien

As a commercial employee, you know how to recruit, bind and captivate customers. You keep in touch with customers, build relationships and know how to respond to opportunities. You are actively involved in the sale of products, establish contacts with companies and take care of direct sales and service. You will also have some administrative tasks, such as reporting on stock. During the Commercial Employee training, you will learn how to do this best and improve your commercial skills.

Information about the training

Werken of doorleren na de opleiding?

As a commercial employee, you can work for many different companies. Think of wholesalers, employment agencies, energy companies, car dealerships or construction companies. Most of the time, you work in a purchasing or sales department. All the tasks you perform as a commercial employee contribute to the sales process. You acquire customers, make a quote, make a sales call, take an order and provide the corresponding service.


After the Commercial Employee course, you can move on to a one-year head course to achieve level 4.

Opbouw van de opleiding

You will learn with us in modules of ten weeks. In each module, you will be introduced to a new theme, gaining broad knowledge and experience. Examples of themes are ‘The customer’ or ‘The market’. Around that theme, you will learn the theory and the necessary skills such as: entrepreneurship, critical thinking and personal leadership (soft skills). For each theme, you will have to deal with guest speakers from the business world, company visits or you will do an assignment at one of our apprenticeships. You will also develop important skills and your professional attitude: that is the desired attitude that an employer requires from an employee. What you learn, you immediately apply in the business world!


Create the course that suits you
Our courses consist of a basic part, a profile part and a number of elective parts. With electives you can broaden or deepen your education. You can even take modules from other economics courses that appeal to you. Or you can speed up. For example, have you already acquired certain necessary skills through work experience? Then together we will look at what that means for your learning path. With us, you are in charge of your own learning process!


Learning is not just something you do in the classroom
The nice thing about learning something new isn’t just that you grow as a person. When you study with us, we encourage you in every way possible to become the best. How you learn with us varies: of course you learn in the classroom and from apprenticeships. You will also learn from home (digitally) where you work independently or in groups on assignments.


Personal guidance
During the training, a lot of attention is paid to personal guidance. This is done, among other things, through conversations with study career counsellors. But you can also spar with lecturers or fellow students. Good guidance gives you the opportunity to get the most out of your education. There is also room for solving problems you encounter. We’re here for you!

Admission Requirements / Required Prior Education

You can start a vocational training (level 3) if you have one of the following prior educations:

  • diploma vmbo framework vocational learning pathway, mixed learning pathway, theoretical learning pathway or equivalent;
  • MBO level 2 diploma (basic vocational training);
  • overgangsbewijs van 3 havo / vwo naar leerjaar 4;
  • other diploma or certificate recognised by the government on the basis of a ministerial regulation.



As a commercial employee, you are the calling card of a company. You speak politely and look well-groomed. You have good communication skills and you can also get by in other languages. Of course, you are customer-oriented and commercially minded. Finally, you can work well together and deal with stress.

How much does the training cost?

The cost of the training depends on your age. Every year, the Minister of Education adjusts the tuition fees. The amounts below apply to the 2023/2024 academic year.


Costs BOL under the age of 18
Are you younger than 18 at the beginning of the academic year (1 August)? Then you don’t pay tuition.


Costs BOL older than 18 years
Are you 18 years or older at the beginning of the academic year (1 August)? Then the tuition fee is € 1357,-.


Are you 18+ or will you be 18 soon? Then you can get a student grant, a student travel product and perhaps a supplementary grant.


More information about the tuition fee can be found on rijksoverheid.nl.


Other mandatory costs
For the entire course, you pay about € 660 in books. You will also take a number of electives within the programme. The costs for the teaching materials of the electives vary from 0 euros to 50 euros per elective.