BOL level 4 / 2-3 years

E-Commerce & Marketing

The future is online! E-commerce is developing at lightning speed. Booking a trip online, or ordering a new phone: it has become the most normal thing in the world. But behind the scenes, there are extensive processes behind the scenes. That's why many organizations are eager for (new) online talent! Become an expert in online marketing strategy, online traffic, conversion generation and dare to grow. This is the training that meets current and online needs from the market.
Powered by Business Academy Commercie & Sales

Are you developing the webshop of the future?

As an E-Commerce & Marketing specialist, you will learn from strategy to execution. The programme consists of a first basic year of commerce. In the second year, you will further specialize in e-commerce. Because you will also take courses such as business economics, commercial economics and marketing, you will also be broadly employable for other commercial positions after your studies.

Information about the training

Do you want to work or continue your education after your training?

E-commerce is developing at lightning speed. The number of sales made via the internet continues to grow. Companies such as, Coolblue, Zalando and Picnic are among the top retailers in the Netherlands for a reason. As an e-commerce specialist, you are responsible for all of the company’s online activities. You know everything about SEO, web design, and online sales and marketing strategies. You ensures digital visibility of the company. In addition, you are able to increase sales by using data analysis to make the right choices in sales strategies and the design of the webshop. With the e-commerce specialist course, you are ready for the economy of today and the future as an e-commerce specialist, e-commerce manager or e-commerce entrepreneur or e-commerce data analyst.

After completing the e-commerce specialist course, you can continue your studies at, for example, the higher professional education programmes E-commerce, Online Marketing, Commercial Economics, Business Economics, Marketing and Communication.

Structure of the training

Foundation year commerce

As an e-commerce specialist, you will learn from strategy to execution. The programme consists of a first basic year of commerce. In the second year, you will further specialize in e-commerce. Because you will also take courses such as business economics, commercial economics and marketing, you will also be broadly employable for other commercial positions after your studies. You will also be taught in:

  • (e) Marketing & Communications
  • Sales
  • Data analysis
  • ICT and web management
  • E-logistics

The courses are part of ten-week modules.


Become the best!
As a student at MBO Westland, we will put you in touch with the business world as soon as possible. This directly brings together knowledge, experience and your professional attitude and we believe that makes you the very best! Apart from that, you will also do an internship.


During your studies, you will of course follow an internship. You do this at a recognized training company. You are responsible for finding an internship company.


How to learn with us

  •  Our courses are offered in ten-week modules. In each module, you will gain broad knowledge and experience and apply it directly in practice.
  • You have a lot of room and flexibility to create your own study programme by, for example, taking extra modules or accelerating.
  • You learn in hybrid form: independently, in groups, online, in the classroom and at a company.
  • Lots of personal guidance.

Admission Requirements / Required Prior Education

You can start a middle management course (level 4) if you have one of the following prerequisites:

  • diploma vmbo framework vocational learning pathway, mixed learning pathway, theoretical learning pathway or equivalent;
  • MBO level 2 diploma (basic vocational training);
  • MBO level 3 diploma (vocational training);
  • Certificate of transition from 3 havo / vwo to year 4;
  • other diploma or certificate recognised by the government on the basis of a ministerial regulation.



As an e-commerce specialist, you spend a lot of time working with data. That’s why it’s important that you enjoy making analyses. You are naturally enterprising and commercially minded and you have good communication skills. Finally, your colleagues can count on your creative solutions.

How much does the training cost?

The cost of the training depends on your age. Every year, the Minister of Education adjusts the tuition fees. The amounts below apply to the 2023/2024 academic year.


Costs BOL under the age of 18
Are you younger than 18 at the beginning of the academic year (1 August)? Then you don’t pay tuition.


Costs BOL older than 18 years
Are you 18 years or older at the beginning of the academic year (1 August)? Then the tuition fee is € 1357,-.

Are you 18+ or will you be 18 soon? Then you can get a student grant, a student travel product and perhaps a supplementary grant.

More information about the tuition fee can be found on


Other mandatory costs

For the first year of study, you will pay approximately between €350 and €500 for books and licenses. You will also take a number of electives within the programme. The costs for the teaching materials of the electives vary from 0 euros to 40 euros per elective.