BOL level 3 / 2.5 - 3 years

Pedagogical Employee Childcare

Do you enjoy working with and caring for children? Then this is your education. As a childcare pedagogical employee, you supervise and care for groups of children from zero to twelve years old. You guide children in their daily living situation and in their personal care. You also take care of household chores and the area where the children stay.
Watch a video about this training here!

Dealing with children

This course is for you if you…

  • can get along well with children
  • want to work in a team
  • Creative thinking
  • have good communication skills
  • are involved in education

You love children and have knowledge of children’s development and behavior. You have good interpersonal skills, including empathy. In addition, you also pay attention to the parents. Furthermore, you are creative and you are good at planning and organizing.

Information about the training

Do you want to work or continue your education after your training?

You will be working for a childcare organization, as a group leader or toddler worker. For example, a childcare organisation can be: a daycare centre, before-, between- and after-school/after-school care, childminders, playgroup or an integrated child centre.

Structure of the training

During the training, you will learn to develop various development-oriented activities for children. In addition, a lot of attention is paid to knowledge of children’s development and behaviour. Students in this programme generally have good interpersonal skills, including empathy, are creative and can plan and organize well.

Admission Requirements / Required Prior Education

For this programme, you need one of the following prerequisites:

  • VMBO diploma, managerial vocational, mixed or theoretical learning pathway
  • Certificate of transition from 3 to 4 havo/vwo
  • MBO diploma, level 2
  • a comparable foreign diploma, supplemented by language level 2F

How much does the training cost?

From the age of eighteen, you are obliged to pay tuition. The government determines the amount of the statutory tuition and course fees every year. Read more about the costs here.


Additional costs
Travel expenses, also related to your internship or training company, are at your own expense. There are also costs for books, materials, work clothes, excursions and other activities. An indication of the additional costs for this training in terms of learning materials (books, readers, licenses) are between € 80 and € 380, depending on the year you are in,-.



A student must also have a laptop.