Entrance courses


Are you 16 years or older and do you not yet have a diploma? Then sign up for an entrance course. You will gain practical experience and obtain an MBO diploma. We do not set any requirements for your prior education, we start from your talent.

MBO Westland Start offers courses in various disciplines: services, hospitality & food, technology, sales, logistics, construction & living or mobility. Are you a non-native speaker and would you like to improve your Dutch language? Then bid
We have special classes for you. You will follow an entrance course and we will give you extra attention with the Dutch language.

Wat bieden wij?

  • Special classes for non-native speakers.
  • Level 1 training and individual certificates.
  • Individual guidance and support.
  • A lot of education in practice, for example in apprenticeships.
  • Flexible intake, start at any time of the school year whenever you want.
  • After the training, you can choose a follow-up course at level 2 or you will work.